Global Leadership Society: Vorreiter für die Leadership-Ansprüche der Zukunft. Die Global Leadership Society, gegründet von Gerald Hüsch, setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Führungskultur weltweit und richtet sich an zukunftsorientierte Führungskräfte, die auf globaler Ebene agieren möchten.
Gerald Hüsch: Synchronisierte Führung für Transformationserfolg. Entdecken Sie, wie synchronisierte Führungsstrategien die Effizienz in Unternehmen steigern können und warum diese Ansätze für den Erfolg in der digitalen Transformation entscheidend sind.
LEAD21 revolutioniert Führung und Transformationen. Gerald Hüsch stellt mit LEAD21 einen innovativen Ansatz vor, der traditionelle Führungsmodelle in Frage stellt und aufzeigt, wie dynamische und adaptive Führung in der modernen Arbeitswelt aussehen kann.
Der Missing Link für bessere Führungskultur. Gerald Hüsch erklärt in einem exklusiven Interview, wie eine effektive Führungskultur aufgebaut werden kann und welche Rolle emotionale Intelligenz und ethische Grundsätze dabei spielen.
The True Leader's Mindset: 9 Insights From @LilaPoonawalla. Leaders who built themselves from the ground up I find most inspiring. The hardships they faced on their path of transformation and the lessons learned from these journeys are invaluable. Her willpower is nothing short of inspirational.
"Leadership and Management are the two disciplines that are wired in the political system as much as corporate. Just, differently." says the leadership specialist Gerald Huesch who is also the owner of the Global Leadership School.
Under stress and pressure it is hard to think, say, do, what is appropriate. Great tools and mechanics strongly guide us, like the hand of our parents at the saddle, when we first learn to ride the bike: If we are about to lose balance, and fall, this hand, these methods, and mechanics bring us back to balance, towards the right behaviors — bringing out what we already have — with the right dose of impact and momentum, we never experienced before.
Humility is usually associated with "weak", meek behavior and seems unbecoming a leader. This stereotype, however, stands on shaky ground. Jim Collins, a prominent business consultant, discovered in his book "Good to Great" that Level 5 leaders — the top tier — all share this trait.
I tend to mention large-scale projects more often, but #leadership does not require grandeur — as Dr. Bedi suggested, it starts with one person. With the Mission Critical Leadership Performance System, small businesses can benefit from the same leverages and practices as impressive top executive or world-famous politicians.
Manager and team-members, often complain about the corporate decision-making-process and describe it even more difficult in matrix organizations. Bottom line: Employees have the right to know from their superiors, who has the last call on what. Most managers have superiors, too — and the same right!
I already shed some light on the Huesch Leadership System and how it can be applied in different cultural contexts. About 9 years ago, it was tested in a large-scale renovation scenario across borders and mentalities.
Even with all the experiences, no one can ever know everything about leadership. It is also a highly dynamic process that constantly revolves around the same nuances. Sounds like a lot of paradoxes, but it is perfectly normal — and necessary for a successful leader to embrace.
Do you know the Hubble Telescope? Of course! But did you know that the first pictures, the first proof of concept, the first highly anticipated fabulous images of our space, that we have now, failed dramatically at the beginning?
"And again, in todays' meeting the loudest ideas won again, not the best!". "Many of us were not heard, and if they did, others show their disapproval non-verbally. They looked at each other, short sharp exhaling sounds, like a thunderstruck from a distance, that indicates 'storm ahead' — if I dare to continue — it was clear — 'nope — not this idea!"
High stakes, complex projects, challenging frameworks, time- & budget pressure, stressful working environment and always many critical stakeholders — and still motivating the team to give a bit more — in a situation, they are already losing energy, will power and believe?
Gerald Hüsch ist einer der weltweit führenden Leadership Experten, Inhaber der Global Leadership School und erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen wie zum Beispiel den „German Enterprise Award" für das beste „Global Leadership Education Program" als auch den „International Leadership Game Changer of the Year" Award 2017. ZEBRA Chefredakteurin Lilian Hagen traf Gerald Hüsch zu einem persönlichen Gespräch und bat den Leadership Spezialisten, die Themen Unternehmensführung und Zusammenarbeit für unsere Leser erklärbar und anwendbar zu machen.
Im Rahmen konkreter Projekt-Bewältigungs-Anforderungen wurden, von Dezember 2010 bis März 2011, streng wissenschaftliche „Leadership-Klima"-Messungen von innerbetrieblichen Leadership-Entwicklungs-Programmen durchgeführt. Die statistische Erhebung erfolgte als Vorher- / Nachher-Dokumentation vorgefundener Strukturen und ihrer Veränderungen im Laufe des Projektes. Der Fokus dieser Studie lag auf dem empirischen Nachweis, messbarer Trainings-Effekte beim Einsatz von Evidence Based Lesdership-Instrumenten in Kombination mit der Anwendung der GLS-Leadership-Systematik.